Founded in 2012, Insurance Agent App is the premier policyholder service platform for Independent Agents (IAs) because of how we have streamlined the fragmented and inefficient transfer of data between carriers, agencies, and policyholders.

Our mission is to keep the IA at the center-point of the relationship between carriers, agents and policyholders, while increasing agency productivity, service capabilities and retention.

We’re recognized as leaders in our space because of the strength of our technical approach, expertise, and the way we do business the right way. We don’t churn and burn; most of our clients have been with us since the beginning.

Insurance Agent App is a product of Blue I, LLC and is headquartered in Charlotte, NC. Our team has lots of corporate and start-up experience; aside from being mobile software developers, we are policyholders and businesspeople too. We understand and live the challenges facing the IA channel.

The technology we deploy for agencies and consumers is second to none. We own all our intellectual property, and we are independently funded – we are not backed by VC’s or PE’s. We, along with our IA-clients, determine what’s best for our IA’s.

The video nearby will tell you WHY we do what we do….

We've got your back.

Meet Our Team



Experienced co-founder with a successful track record in multiple verticals; start-up expertise in planning, product development, strategic sales & partnerships, CRM deployment, digital marketing, client support, CX, and UX.



If someone had ever told me I’d be working in the insurance industry I’d say they were crazy. A near-miss life-threatening accident (and the need to contact my agent) caused me to re-think that. The problem was that I could not remember the name of my agent!

That’s when I recognized the real need for insurance agents to engage and contain their clients on the mobile platform. Staying true to that “need” we developed the Insurance Agent App.



We call Frank the Godfather of InsurTech, in addition to being an invaluable advisor. Frank’s been providing technology solutions to the insurance industry for 45+ years to improve the business processes of insurers, insurance brokerage firms, and insurance technology solution providers. He has managed major policy, billing, and claims system replacement projects for insurers and has provided strategic consulting for large insurance brokerage firms. More recently Frank has been focused on mentoring Startup InsurTechs like Insurance Agent App.

Experience Is WHY We’re The Leader

• Trusted partner

• Agency-centric

• Policyholder-focused

• Carrier-connected



Our Partners Help Us Make it Happen

Adopting new technology is important to growing your business. Finding the right companies to work with will get you there faster and more efficiently. Here are a few companies and organizations we work with that can help with content creation, agency performance, efficiency, websites, online exposure and more.

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Industry Endorsements

“I had an epiphany in my own personal life with my grown children,” he says. “We were driving in our car and they were all on their smartphones and I asked what were they doing? “We’re paying bills and buying tickets, just about everything we need is right here. That simple incident convinced me that if my agency was to grow and attract new clients, we had to embrace the smartphone and do it quickly and in the right way.”


Jim Brandt

Sun Insurance Services | Orlando, FL

“Agents must streamline their mobile technology, no question,” says Chris Cline, Executive Director at ACT – Agents Council for Technology. “In fact, agents need to be in front of insurance buyers in their use of mobile tech, not behind as they are now. It’s not happening fast enough.”


Chris Cline

Executive Director | Agents for Council for Technology

“Our agency app allows clients to maintain all their insurance information in one place, regardless of their choice of company. Also, should my staff place them with a different company, they can simply tap their McClain Insurance Agent App and all their updated policy info will be present – no need for the client to establish carrier login credentials! Quite frankly, our app has more robust capabilities, especially on the home inventory and accident reporting features, than most of our carrier apps.”


Claudia McClain

McClain Insurance Services | Everett, WA

Schedule a Demo

Schedule a demo to see how Insurance Agent App can help take your agency to the next level of client servicing, increased productivity and higher retention.